Training Programs for School Heads, Coordinators & Senior Teachers

   1. Art of Educational Leadership | 3 Day Experiential Learning Process

This program is intended to create and nurture VISION, a vision, which will take the school education towards delivery of holistic education in a most effective manner.

This program is a journey to understand the leadership qualities and to unleash the leader in our mind. The program commits to empower with achievement orientation and also equip with tools to make your school the most preferred one

  2. Quality School Governance | One Day workshop

This workshop has been specifically designed for trustees/ administrators/ correspondents etc to equip them with clarity of changing concept and monitoring tools so as to ensure effective school governance.

Managing Schools is always a challenging task. Balancing Academics and Administrative issues demands systematic approach. With changing context of various regulations and parental expectations it is essential for trustees/ administrators to update themselves.

  3. Instructional Leadership | Three Day Interactive Workshop

Instructional leadership involves setting clear goals, managing curriculum, monitoring lesson plans, allocating resources and evaluating teachers regularly to promote student learning and growth.

This programs aims at Clarifying the concept, importance of instructional leadership and Helping participants becoming instructional leaders


All above programs are designed on the principles of "Experiential Learning" No Teaching | No Preaching